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Ariel, in my heart forever and ever

Dear Ariel,

Happy 22nd Birthday. If you are reading this, I just want you to know that I miss you and love you everyday. When you left this earth, I was devasted; then I realized, you never left. You're physical presence is no longer among us, but you're contagious smile will forever be implanted in my mind- it is a magical memory. I will always remember what my popaw George you to say about you, "that Ariel has the biggest smile I've ever seen, she is the sweetest little thing!"

You're gentleness and congeniality is engraved in the hearts of all who knew you. You're existence serves as a daily reminder of how powerful kindness is. I've never met anyone as genuine and easy going as you were. You are forever living as my role model and my encouragement to see the best in everyone. I am often puzzled why you left this world so soon, but regardless I find comfort knowing that you made a mark on this world when you went. During your time of severe pain and suffering, your primary concern was the hapiness of others; you never once thought about yourself. Reflecting back to that time, I am sure I complained too often about insignificant details of my life, but I am also sure that I never heard you complain, not once, yet your life was ending in front of your eyes. This alone speaks measures about your character, and is one of the many reasons I will always look up to you. Sometimes I feel like you are my gaurdian angel, looking out for me and all of your friends and family still living on earth. I would love to celebrate your 22nd birthday with you in person, but instead I will remember you and feel your closeness within my heart today. I pray for your family, because I know they feel pain and mourning as they reflect on all the birthdays they got to spend with you. Tell the Big Man up there to give them peace and comfort. I love you in my heart forever ever and ever, Ari.

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